Make it easy! We all know the mantra about making life easy for our customers. If we make it easy for them to do business with us, they’ll do more business with us. So, I was excited to hear that your customers can now buy your products, tickets or services without having to leave Facebook […]
Which Facebook Ad Objective should I use?
Not sure which Facebook Advertising Objective you should choose? Here’s my 5-minute Beginner’s Guide to what I’m using at the moment. Get your FREE Facebook Ad Objective Factsheet. Click below! Facebook Advertising Objectives
The Facebook Shopping Police
What is The Facebook Shopping Police? OK, let me start by saying Facebook™ isn’t calling this tool “Facebook Police”! It’s a tool that allows Facebook Users the ability to Look back at Facebook Ads they’ve clicked on Rate that company based on the shopping experience they had Why is this interesting? Let’s give this some […]
How hot is your customer?
Grab your Freebie, here.. And to stop you pressing that BOOST Button on Facebook too quickly, I’ve created a FREE downloadable PDF that you can print and stick up in front of your computer. Simply click this link… Customer Thermometer
How to set up your “Out Of Office” hours on your Facebook Page
Does it feel like you’re constantly tethered to Facebook? Are you aways checking-in, in case you’re missing-out? Whilst I LOVE Facebook marketing (I’m such a geek), disconnecting from Facebook is an absolute must for our sanity. The great news is, Facebook has an automated messenger option for your business Page which means you can tell […]